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Take it slow if this is your first time using this product. We recommend 1-2 tablespoons every other day (3-4 times a week)

  • The Seamoss MUST stay well refrigerated. 
  • The shelf life varies. It can last you up to 2 weeks if refrigerated and longer if frozen. 
  • Must use a clean spoon every time you take a scoop.

Difference between purple & Gold seamoss: the Golden and the Purple sea moss we provide are both “Original flavored” seamoss. Meaning there isn’t anything added to them other than alkaline water and they’re cleaned with key lime. The purple sea moss is more potent and stronger. The Golden Sea moss is the most commonly used sea moss, the smell and taste isn’t as strong as the other colors but it contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals as all of the other sea moss’. The purple sea moss has powerful antioxidants called Anthocyanins which are found in a lot of blue and purple fruits and veggies. That antioxidant is linked to health benefits like strong bones, lower inflammation, kills mucus etc. The Golden seamoss does all of this too but it’s not as strong as the purple.

Each tea bag has a long shelf life. They can be used up to 4 times before being thrown out.