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Indifferent is a lifestyle brand. The products and services we present to you, are what we use in our everyday lives. The goal isn’t just to sell you a product, but it’s also to help you become the leader in your own health journey. Through the use of these products and services we provide. We would love to invite you into our safe space for healing.



Who We Are

This is Tammy and Tyra, the Founders / CEOs of Indifferent, a health and wellness company centered around the balance between internal and external well-being. Our brand believes in honesty, transparency and quality holistic products. We became interested in health and wellness for personal reasons, such as realizing that health isn’t only an exterior thing, it starts from within. During personal experiences with health, our why for our brand expanded. 

As we evolved, so did our vision, and at that moment we understood that this would be an ever-evolving process. However, we wanted to hold on to something from this milestone in our lives. That was, the memory of constantly feeling indifferent. This was the prominent mental and emotional state we were in. This state of indifference trickled into other areas of our lives leading the way down a path of sabotaging our external and internal wellbeing and integrity. 

This feeling allowed us to look outside of ourselves and pay closer attention to what is happening around us. Since we were indifferent about ourselves, we had time to focus on others. Thankfully, we learned something that transformed our lives. 

As we watched the world go through a traumatic pandemic experience, our grandmother suffered with cancer and our cousin battled with his mental health. We decided to find an alternative, all-encompassing approach that helps bring healing. We’re here to share what worked for us during those times and how we were able to become leaders in our own personal health and wellness journeys.

We hope you enjoy Indifferent as we all journey to a place of freedom and holistic healing. 

With gratitude, 

Peace, Love and Blessings,

Tammy & Tyra


Tammy M.

Certified Life Coach

La chance est là. Il lui faut, elle l’a. En maîtresse fortunée, en femme d’affaires avisée, elle y fait bâtir l’hôtel de son désir, l’hôtel de sa réussite, à son image : provoquant, élégant et chaleureux. Elle le transmet à Victor, son fils sans père, elle qui était une femme, une maîtresse sans mari. Il transmet cette respiration aux voyageurs de passage et fait ainsi perdurer la légende d’une élégante trop dérangeante pour l’histoire.

Tyra Plaisimond

Certified Health and Life Coach

While on the journey to finding my purpose and becoming a better version of myself, I realized my true gift, Health Coaching. Coaching has allowed me to help others become the best version of themselves. It motivates me to keep going, liberates and brings me joy. 

Once I started this health journey, I began to reap many benefits. These benefits appeared in multiple areas of my life. They appeared academically, socially, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Evolving in these areas has pushed me more and more. In pushing myself I gained discipline, restraint, confidence, and endurance. This journey has yet to hit its peek and it can only do so if I take this next step. This next step is monumental. It allows me to use the skills that I’ve learned to coach others on how to achieve their goals. 

After overcoming several obstacles I managed to graduate college with a bachelor’s degree. In addition, I went on to further my knowledge in the areas that I truly love which are health and wellness. I received a life coach certificate from The Tony Gaskins Academy, plus a life & health coach certificate from Health Coach Institute (HCI). What I’ve learned in both courses has helped shape who I am today, and now I’m ready to share that with you!